Zhutao Zhuang

Zhutao Zhuang's personal website

Zhutao Zhuang

Hi, I am currently working as a software engineer at Microsoft at Suzhou.
My research interests focus on machine learning for system, system for machine learning and cloud.
My current research work applies machine learning algorithm to storage engine to make better decisions. My goal is to build intelligent system that can leverage the power of data to solve problems that are hard to solve well by traditional algorithm.

My practice philosophy follows learn-teach-apply triangle.

My life goal is to help as many people as I can through my work, my mind, my time, my money and what I can give.

Please contact me via email zhuangzhutao@gmail.com

Work experience

Microsoft (2022-Now)
Software Engineer at Bing
Work on Bing A/B testing platform and DNN model infra for Bing recommendation.

Alibaba Cloud (2021-2021)
Software Enginner intern at Database Backup Service


Sun Yat-sen Univerisity (2020-2022)
Master of Computer Science

Sun Yat-sen Univerisity (2016-2020)
Bachelor of Software Engineering


Academic service

EuroSys’24 AE
MLSys’23 AE



I love to listen to podcast and youtube videos that are about business and technology. Because I don’t need to use my eyes to stare at the screen all the time.

Here’s podcast list I listened to recently that interests me

I love to watch NBA and I am a Warriors fan.


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