nanogpt kv cache first attempt
1. Run basic nano-gpt
git clone
Install necessary packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
I have these packages in the requirements.txt
Follow quick start guidance in nanogpt repo do make sure that we can run training and inference successfully.
python data/shakespeare_char/
python --compile=False config/
python --out_dir=out-shakespeare-char
My python version is 3.11 which is too high for model compile so I added --compile=False
in train command.
With my A800 gpu, I get a loss 0.0449 after 5000 iteration training.
iter 4970: loss 0.0461, time 18.12ms, mfu 20.21%
iter 4980: loss 0.0441, time 18.14ms, mfu 20.24%
iter 4990: loss 0.0464, time 18.13ms, mfu 20.27%
step 5000: train loss 0.0383, val loss 4.7262
iter 5000: loss 0.0449, time 3352.84ms, mfu 18.26%
2. Load GPT-2 models checkpoints and test performance
proxy error while trying to download gpt2 model from huggingface:
First downgrad requests version to 2.27.1
pip install requests==2.27.1
And then adding these two lines of code in
fix the proxy connection issue for me
os.environ['CURL_CA_BUNDLE'] = ''
os.environ['HF_ENDPOINT']= ''
to get a test of gpt2 model with params downloaded from huggingface.
python --init_from='gpt2'
I tried to start with “please tell me a joke.” The output is not anything like joke but still very readable.
please tell me a joke
My name is Zarek, but I am extremely sad for you.
You can't even come to my house anymore
I'm sorry, I know
I have a dream
I don't know how long this thing will last
My name Is Zarek
I'm an adult who believes that
The problem with your friend is that he doesnt know
He doesn't know how to act
running time for 10 times inference:
Elapsed time: 25.4s
3. Implement KV cache for faster inference
Commit hisotry for kv cache implementation
Please check code above for implementation details.
shape of past k proj is torch.Size([1, 12, 946, 64])
shape of k is torch.Size([1, 12, 44, 64]) shape of v is torch.Size([1, 12, 44, 64])
q len is 45
shape of past k proj is torch.Size([1, 12, 990, 64])
shape of k is torch.Size([1, 12, 45, 64]) shape of v is torch.Size([1, 12, 45, 64])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/", line 93, in <module>
y = model.generate(x, max_new_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_k=top_k)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 115, in decorate_context
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/", line 359, in generate
logits, _, past_kv_proj = self(idx_cond, past_kv_proj=past_kv_proj,start_pos=start_pos)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/", line 204, in forward
x, layer_kv_proj = block(x, past_kv_proj=past_kv_proj[i])
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/", line 122, in forward
attn_res, present_kv_proj = self.attn(self.ln_1(x), past_kv_proj=past_kv_proj)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/", line 78, in forward
assert KV < self.block_size, f"KV: {KV} >= block_size: {self.block_size}"
AssertionError: KV: 1035 >= block_size: 1024
yhrun: error: gpu73: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
(nano-gpt-kv-cache) [nsccgz_qylin_1@ln101 nano-gpt-kv-cache]$
def generate(self, idx, max_new_tokens, temperature=1.0, top_k=None):
for _ in range(max_new_tokens):
# This is the righ condition
if idx.size(1) == T:
idx_cond = idx
start_pos = 0
idx_cond = idx[:, [-1]]
start_pos = idx.size(1) - 1
The limitation of this code is that it can only handles condition where max_new_tokens < self.config.block_size
I don’t know why yet.
4. Test KV cache performance
The commit mentions that it only brings performance boost with cpu but not on A100 gpu. Why is that ? Is this because that linear projections can be quickly done with fast gpu matrix multiplication?
This commit and this discussion talks about how to handle long text generation. I have not yet understanded it completely how it deals with long text geneartion.
There is a technique called rotary positional embeddings as mentioned in this commit. But I don’t know how does it works yet. And all I want to do right now is to simply test how kv cache helps with inference speed.
My naive solution right now is to simply cut past_kv_proj to latest self.config.block_size tokens
if past_kv_proj is not None:
past_k_proj, past_v_proj = past_kv_proj
print('shape of past k proj is ', past_k_proj.shape )
print('shape of k is ', k.shape, 'shape of v is ', v.shape)
if KV >= self.block_size:
past_k_proj = past_k_proj[:, :, -self.block_size:, :]
past_v_proj = past_v_proj[:, :, -self.block_size:, :]
k =, k), dim=2)
v =, v), dim=2)
gpu v100
with kv cache, no flash attention
yhrun -p gpu_v100 python --init_from='gpt2' --use_kv_cache=True --dtype=float32 --num_samples=10 --max_
Elapsed time: 102.6s
memory: almost the same for peak memory usage ?
without kv cache, no flash attention
python --init_from='gpt2' --use_kv_cache=False --dtype=float32 --num_samples=10 --max_new_tokens=1000
Elapsed time: 151.8s
Saves 30% time. Not bad.
Function profile: I run 10 times, each with 1000 generation sequence length.
with kv cache:
15990616 function calls (14380614 primitive calls) in 110.086 seconds
Ordered by: internal time
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
120000 21.130 0.000 56.527 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
490000 14.545 0.000 14.545 0.000 {built-in method torch._C._nn.linear}
1620000/10000 13.119 0.000 103.105 0.010 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/
3420000 9.789 0.000 9.789 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/
120000 5.108 0.000 97.206 0.001 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
250000 4.809 0.000 4.809 0.000 {built-in method torch.layer_norm}
120000 3.840 0.000 3.840 0.000 {method 'masked_fill' of 'torch._C._TensorBase' objects}
10 3.737 0.374 109.808 10.981 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
250000 3.694 0.000 3.694 0.000 {built-in method}
120000 2.772 0.000 20.640 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
370000 2.268 0.000 3.704 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/
10000 2.075 0.000 102.922 0.010 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
without kv cache
15380126 function calls (13770124 primitive calls) in 154.658 seconds
Ordered by: internal time
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
10000 45.431 0.005 148.326 0.015 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
120000 22.252 0.000 58.175 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
490000 17.891 0.000 17.891 0.000 {built-in method torch._C._nn.linear}
1620000/10000 13.188 0.000 148.485 0.015 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/
3420000 9.488 0.000 9.488 0.000 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/miniconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/
120000 5.289 0.000 99.160 0.001 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
250000 5.037 0.000 5.037 0.000 {built-in method torch.layer_norm}
120000 4.087 0.000 4.087 0.000 {method 'masked_fill' of 'torch._C._TensorBase' objects}
10 2.952 0.295 154.334 15.433 /GPUFS/nsccgz_qylin_1/zt/nano-gpt-kv-cache/
The main time difference comes from the function call to self attention block. Per call time for without kv cache gpt is 0.015 and it’s 0.010 for with kv cache. I guess this explains why benefit of kv cache for short sequence geneartion on A100 is negligible because it takes very short amount of time to generate key and value embedding with more advanced gpu.
500 tokens, cpu
with kv cache,
The law gives the government access to consumer information only if the government's purpose is to provide health care to the general public. If those
Elapsed time: 218.9s
The law gives the government access to consumer information only if the government's purpose is to provide health care to the general public. If those
Elapsed time: 251.4s
without kv cache
The law gives the government access to consumer information only if the government's purpose is to provide health care to the general public. If those
Elapsed time: 1191.4s
5 times inference time saving. Not bad.
The peak memory usage between with kv cache and without kv cache is nearly the same. This is because that sequence length is the same with or without kv cache. However, kv cache do bring some advantages. Here’s the answer from gpt.
Actually, there is a difference in memory usage when using KV cache for LLM inference. While it’s true that the maximum memory usage might be similar, the way memory is utilized and managed can vary significantly.
- Memory Allocation: With KV cache, memory is allocated for storing key-value pairs from previous computations. This can lead to more efficient memory usage as the model doesn’t need to recompute values, reducing the overall memory footprint during inference.
- Memory Management: KV cache helps in better memory management by reusing previously computed values. This can lead to more stable memory usage patterns, avoiding spikes in memory consumption that might occur without caching.
- Performance Optimization: By reducing redundant computations, KV cache can lead to faster inference times, which indirectly affects memory usage. Faster computations mean less time spent holding intermediate values in memory, leading to more efficient memory utilization.
youtube video llm kv cache explanation
requirements.txt to run nano-gpt
huggingface transformers kv cache source code on github
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