I have micrograd2 under micrograd folder but this error shows when I run test.py. how to fix it ?

File “/home/zt/bilyz_website_new/code/micrograd/test/test.py”, line 2, in from micrograd2.engine import Value ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'micrograd2'

It looks like Python is unable to find the micrograd2 module. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the Directory Structure: Ensure that the micrograd2 folder is correctly placed within the micrograd directory and that it contains an __init__.py file. This file is necessary for Python to recognize the directory as a package.

     ├── micrograd2/
     │   ├── __init__.py
     │   └── engine.py
     └── test/
         └── test.py
  2. Update the Import Statement: If micrograd2 is a subdirectory of micrograd, you might need to adjust your import statement in test.py to reflect the correct path. Try changing:
     from micrograd2.engine import Value


     from micrograd.micrograd2.engine import Value
  3. Check the PYTHONPATH: Ensure that the micrograd directory is included in your PYTHONPATH. You can temporarily add it by running:
     export PYTHONPATH=/home/zt/bilyz_website_new/code/micrograd:$PYTHONPATH
  4. Run the Script from the Correct Directory: Make sure you are running test.py from the micrograd directory or adjust your working directory accordingly.