Hash in cpp

Open hashing and close hashing

What is open hashing and close hashing ?

Open hashing (separate chaining)

Method: Each bucket in the table contains a linked list of all elements that hash to the same index

Collision handling: the new element is added to the list of the corresponding linked list(bucket)

Memory usage: requires additional memory for pointers in linked list

Performance: generally good compared to close hashing.

Example: std::unordered_map in cpp

Close hashing (open addressing)

Method: All elements are stored in the table itself. When a collision occurs the algorithm searched for next available slot in the table

Collision handling: linear probing, quadratic probing, or double hashing.

Memory usage: less compared to open hashing

Performance: performance can degrade if the table is full, leading to longer search time

Example: python uses close hashing.

Load factor in hash table

load factor is defined as number of elements to number of buckets in the table \(load factor = \frac{n}{b}\)


If a hash table has 100 elements and 150 buckets, the load factor is

\[load factor = \frac{100}{150} = 0.67\]

unordered_map in cpp

This article talks about internal implementation of unordered_map in cpp.

It’s very intuitive.

Explanation of internal implementation of unordered_map

This stackoverflow post talks about why unordered_map in cpp uses open hashing

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